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2024 Ultimate CX Trends Unveiled: Premium Plus’s Guide to Staying Ahead

Our Partners from Ultimate launched their annual Customer Service Trends 2024 report last week. You can find it here, so before you continue reading, download the report and take a look!

At Premium Plus, we’re Premier partners of both Zendesk and Ultimate and our services and experience make us ideal to help your company get up to speed with the latest trends in CX.

Customer service becomes the brand

We all know customers can support your company and will tell their friends and families about good experiences, but will also share any bad experiences they had with your company.

With our Zendesk Suite Essentials, combined with a Self Service Bot powered by Ultimate and Zendesk, we can make sure your customers’ inquiries are handled by the best tools in town.

We can guide you in setting up a good omnichannel approach. Make sure your bot and help center are a mirror image of your brand, and you get the insights via Explore to find pain points in your current CX flows.

Try before you buy

Setting up a good CX platform for your company is an investment in both a tool and your people. And just like you want to test drive that new e-bike, you’ll want to try out Zendesk or Ultimate before you commit.

With our consultants on your side, we can make sure your trial is successful by making sure we set up your environment in such a way that you can truly validate the platforms by customizing them to fit your needs and company.

No need to dive into trialing these new AI-driven CX platforms on your own!

Agent experience takes center stage

Ticket Deflection and Self Service via AI-powered bots is a good way to offer customers immediate resolutions to most of their questions and problems. But when a bot can’t assist, or the customers’ inquiry requires a human touch, your agents come to the rescue.

At Premium Plus, we help you implement the entire CX flow, starting from customer inquiries and bots and landing at good insights and reporting. But we also focus on that middle layer, your agents.

We assist you in building the perfect Agent Workspace where your agents can see all tickets at a glance, get ticket information based on intents and sentiment, and get contextual help by integrating Zendesk with your webshop, CRM, or backend services.

By automating categorization, and routing tickets intelligently to the right agent, while managing workload we can make sure your agents need to focus on one thing: helping the customer while leaving manual repeated tasks to bots and AI. Learn more about Zendesk Advanced AI services.

Hybrid reigns supreme

Customer inquiries come in three types: you have the repeated easy question that gets asked dozens of times a day and can be solved with an article, you get the complex flows that can’t be handled by a support article alone, and you have the unique cases that require an actual agent to solve.

With our Explore Essentials, you can get the insights needed to see what customers are actually asking, and which types of questions aren’t solved the right way.

We can train you how to set up an automated reply via AI based on your knowledge base, but can also assist with setting up custom build flows to handle returns or order status inquiries, and can make sure that if an agent is needed, the system already collects all necessary information so the agent can get starting solving immediately, without first asking for an order number, customer ID or other information.

The hybrid combination of automated bot answers, custom build flows, and contextual agent information will make it possible to handle thousands of inquiries while putting your manual effort in the right place.

Knowledge Base management is key

Your knowledge base is the center of your self-service and ticket deflection toolkit. It powers your bot, is the basis of your help center, and gives insight to agents in the Agent Workspace.

At Premium Plus we offer trainings that help you with setting up your knowledge base in the best way, so you can be sure your content is ready to start helping customers.

And more importantly, we also train you in how to keep your articles up-to-date and relevant, and how to detect gaps in your content.

Don’t automate at all costs

Setting up Zendesk with AI-powered automations isn’t, and shouldn’t be, about taking the human out of the equation. Not everything should be automated, and not everything can be solved by a bot or automated email.

With our Zendesk Essentials, we can assist you with setting up your CX system in such a way that we automate the boring repeated tasks, and to have a routing system in place to assign tickets to the right agent, and have rules in place that make sure tickets get moving.

This way, the system will automate the lifetime of your ticket, and your agents can take care of what they’re good at: replying to customers and helping them with a human, personal touch.

AI innovation hits inflection point

At Premium Plus we’re convinced that AI has and will change the way we handle customer care. AI offers a way to get more context out of your tickets, automate processes, and scale the action of a single agent (write an article), into something that can help thousands of customers by replying with personalized replies based on your content.

By partnering with Ultimate and Zendesk we’re sure we can offer the right tools to our customers to make their CS a core part of their company that supports their brand, customers, and employees.

Interested in how we can help you? Contact us today

Ultimate & Premium Plus: Generative AI & Conversation Design

Want to be on the storefront of the digital revolution?

Premium Plus is there to assist you in making cutting-edge decisions to optimize your business processes. Together, we aim to significantly increase your ROI and the productivity of your agents.
Get in touch, we’re looking forward to get to know you!

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