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Customer Experience Strategy

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Better Employee Experience with Zendesk: A Complete Guide

The Zendesk platform offers companies the right tools to support their customers - and employees as well!
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customise help centre

Custom Zendesk Help Center Themes: Design & Implementation Guide

Enhance your Zendesk Help Center with our custom themes that are both responsive and customisable. This guide covers everything from design to implementation, providing you ...
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tekeningen waarom zendesk

Custom Object Use Cases

Zendesk expanded its platform with Custom Objects. These objects allow you to expand the classic ticket-user relationship with additional objects. In this blog post, we ...
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ai op de werkplek eng

AI in the workplace: what about EX?

How do companies see the role of AI in EX? What about AI in the workplace today? And what does the future bring?
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2024 Ultimate CX Trends Unveiled: Premium Plus’s Guide to Staying Ahead

Our Partners from Ultimate launched their annual Customer Service Trends 2024 report last week. You can find it here, so before you continue reading, download ...
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zendesk ai

Zendesk’s AI Datapoints: Transform Your Business Operations with Artificial Intelligence

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, staying ahead of the competition and delivering exceptional customer experiences is paramount. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence and data ...
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Customer Experience Strategy