Full guided Zendesk implementation and training!

Interested in Zendesk but don't have the necessary knowledge to fully roll it out yourself?

We can set up a few workshops for you. Together with you and your colleagues, we design the ideal set-up and choose the best tools. We help you configure everything until you have a custom solution for your business and, above all, for your customers. You will not only save a lot of time and effort, you and your team will be operational in no time.

‘We guide, you build’ is the quickest and easiest way to a better customer experience without the headaches and time that endless troubleshooting brings along.

Custom Zendesk Help Center Themes

What does the program look like?

Implementation framework

With our implementation framework we have proven success that it works best for our customers. Our
framework is built for long-term success.

Custom Zendesk Help Center Themes


Explain and align our approach to your team

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Custom Zendesk Help Center Themes


Essential implementation and solution validation

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Prepare your organisation for a successful go-live

Custom Zendesk Help Center Themes


Stay on track and manage change within your organisation


Why go through this process with Premium Plus?

Because over 1.000 happy clients already have and Zendesk thinks it's an excellent idea too!

We are a Premium Solution Provider for Zendesk for over 10 years already, with great succes. More than 1.0000 companies have already called on our expertise. Zendesk also thinks we are the very best. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have declared us ‘Growth Partner of the Year for EMEA’, let alone allowed us to call ourselves ‘Premier Implementation Partner’. According to Zendesk, that is only for the truly committed. This is also your guarantee for the best possible customer experience. At Premium Plus, you, your team, and your customers are in excellent hands.

Get set up with our packages that fit your needs

Essential Packages​

No expertise? Or want to go live within 8 weeks? Look no further our Essential Packages are the perfect choice which also includes our secret best practices to make your customer their company successful. 

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We set up your Zendesk Support
based on our best
practices, direct customer requests to Zendesk and train your agents to work more efficiently.

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Including: Email template builder app +
a design created by Premium Plus


We set up your Zendesk help
, adjust it to your branding
and train your content specialists
to get the most out of Zendesk

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Including: Antwerp/Code Monkey
Required: Zendesk Support


We connect your social channels
(WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter DM and Instagram DM) to Zendesk, activate the web widget, configure Flow Builder and train your team.

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Required: Zendesk Support
and Zendesk Guide


We set up Zendesk Explore dashboards to show data from all of your Zendesk channels and train your team to get the most out of your data.

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Required: Zendesk Support


We incorporate your call center
into Zendesk using Zendesk Talk
or Aircall – you choose, based on
your requirements. And of course,
we train your agents.

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Required: Zendesk Support

Already have a zendesk environment and looking for further optimisation?

Discover the various services we provide in order to optimise and improve existing Zendesk environments.

Let's implement. Contact us today!

We are here to help you serve your customers even better. Let’s get started with the implementation of your Zendesk environment.

Custom Zendesk Help Center Themes