Livera delivers an optimal online customer experience thanks to Zendesk and Premium Plus

Livera was set up in 1969 and has been a fixture in the Netherlands ever since. The company, with approximately one hundred employees, serves women of all ages, of different sizes and with different requirements. Livera cares for all women and aims to ensure that they feel comfortable in their stores. This principle has been central to the company for over fifty years, and remains so now they are part of the larger Chantelle Group.

That is why personal attention is a cornerstone of Livera’s business. With decades of experience, Livera knows its customers through and through and can give them expert advice about the right size and style to suit for them. Whatever women are looking for – beautiful lingerie, a bikini or stylish pyjamas – they will find it at Livera.

The challenge: bringing digital customer care to the same level as the in-store experience

In 2021, Livera decided to take its customer service, which had been run by a third party, back into its own hands, in order to optimise its digital customer experience. “It makes a difference to our customers if they can speak to a Livera employee when they have a question or problem”, explains Marçanne Dragt, Livera’s E-commerce & Cross Channel Manager. “Our employees know our product range like the back of their hands, and they are more committed to our business and our customers than any external party. Taking customer care back into our own hands has led to clear improvements.”

When insourcing customer service, Livera had to look for a digital platform that could support contact with customers and follow up on their questions and problems on all possible digital channels. “It actually didn’t take us long to find what we were looking for”, admits Marçanne Dragt, “as there are not that many user-friendly platforms that are quick and easy to implement, with a live chat function you can get up and running quickly, as well as being cloud-based, and not trying to sell you a whole CRM suite, which we already had through our parent company Chantelle.”

As the previous external service partner had used Zendesk, Livera had already introduced Zendesk Live Chat in 2020. This proved successful, continues Marçanne Dragt: “When the lockdown began, all our store staff started chatting with customers and visitors on this channel. It happened more or less overnight, and it was a success, as the conversion rates were higher than ever. So it’s logical that for this new platform, we immediately turned to Zendesk.”

"Right from the start, we were really impressed with Premium Plus' pragmatic approach to the project, their expertise and their willingness to listen. What's more, their decision to expand the knowledge centre was a revelation for us."

— Marçanne Dragt, E-commerce & Cross Channel Manager at Livera

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The implementation: "an exemplary collaboration between like-minded partners"

Once Livera had decided upon Zendesk, Zendesk Nederland was happy to refer them to Premium Plus for support and guidance with the implementation. “Right from the start, we were really impressed with Premium Plus’ pragmatic approach to the project, their expertise and their willingness to listen”, recalls Marçanne Dragt. “What’s more, their decision to expand the knowledge centre was a revelation for us.”

The whole platform was ready for use in six weeks. “Such an achievement was not only due to Premium Plus, but also to our team, who were already familiar with Zendesk. For instance, our designer could give a very precise description of what our knowledge centre needed to look like. Premium Plus carried out the instructions quickly and flawlessly. I’d describe the entire implementation as an exemplary collaboration between like-minded partners.”

The result: natural interaction leads to higher conversion

“Since the introduction of the Zendesk platform, and in particular the Live Chat, we have pretty much achieved our most important objective, which is to provide customers with online advice as good as what they would get in store. Customers can get in touch with questions about the sizing of particular items, what we would recommend if they wanted to switch from product X, etc.”, explains Marçanne Dragt. Many of the questions that used to be asked on the phone are now asked in the chat. And the number of questions has significantly increased. “That’s probably because of the medium. Our clientele seems more likely to want to chat than pick up the phone”, says Marçanne.

The success of the Live Chat is also due to the interaction between Livera and its customers, believes Marçanne Dragt: “We deliberately chose not to have a chatbot, because bots often confront customers with a scenario like a call centre: first they have to answer a lot of questions, but they still don’t get the response they need, so then they have to be connected to a member of staff. We prefer to employ more people and so quicken the response time, as our customers benefit much more from chatting to a human being.” And the results have been great: recent benchmarking figures show that Livera handles twice as many customer tickets as an average business in this sector, and most importantly handles them quicker: 90 minutes on average, compared to a sector-wide average of 19 hours!

The natural interaction between customers and Livera experts has resulted in a higher conversion from the online visits, and so higher revenue. “But customer satisfaction is every bit as important, if not more”, adds Marçanne Dragt. “We measure that too, and it is also increasing.” When you also consider the low costs of Zendesk, she concludes that it has been an excellent investment.

Tools & Guidance


  • Setting up FAQ page with fully customised design.
  • Rollout of BPO: Zendesk Support, Zendesk Guide and Talk.
  • Project delivery in 2 months, from kick-off to closure (go-live in 4 weeks, followed by post-care).
  • Guiding customer on learning journey.
  • Creation and rollout of customised sidebar and icons for sections, with ‘special effects’ in the same theme.
  • Rollout of widget with ‘call back action’.


  • Zendesk Suite Professional
  • Zendesk Support
  • Zendesk Guide
  • Zendesk Talk

Inspired by this project?

Our team will be happy to look at what we can do for you. Let’s get together and talk about your requirements.

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